Bio Viv HUFA essential lipid and vitamin complex provides essential Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA for growth and health of all fishes. It is particularly recommended for fish suffering from HLLE, head and lateral line erosion as a dietary supplement, and for immune system support. No medicinal claims are made for this use. It is designed to work with Bio Viv M or F multivitamin and results will be enhanced by simultaneous use. It does not require refrigeration, but refrigeration after opening will prolong its shelf life significantly. Bio Viv HUFA contains no glycerin, polysorbates or sugars.
Bio Viv HUFA will help prevent deficiencies of essential oils. These oils are normally found in natural food sources in the ocean, but may not be present in dry, frozen or even live food sources, or at least in sufficient quantities to satifsy marine or freshwater fishes needs. Essential oil deficiencies can be responsible or a contributing cause for diseases in aquatic animals, just as in humans. It is prudent for the hobbyist to pay close attention to the variety, and quality of foods for both fishes and invertebrates, and the addition of Bio Viv HUFA and Bio Viv M or Bio Viv F will help make sure that your animals get the broad range of vitamins and essential nutrients that they need without overloading the aquarium with unwanted ingredients.